Green Tip of The Day- June 19, 2018


This week we are talking about hemp on the green tip of the day

The industrial, medicinal, and commercial properties of hemp have been known to mankind for a very long time, but its benefits to the environment have just been realized in recent years. Here are two examples of how hemp can help our environment.


The woody hemp plant is low in moisture; it dries quickly and is an efficient biomass source of methanol. The waste products produced by using hemp oil are a good source of ethanol. One acre of hemp yields 1,000 gallons of fuel. Hemp allows a lesser reliance on fossil fuels, which are non-renewable sources of energy.


Paper can be manufactured from hemp. Since hemp has a low lignin content compared to wood, it can be turned to pulp faster and easier; this naturally bright pulp does not need chlorine bleaching, which is used in traditional paper mills and releases a toxic substance called dioxin into the environment. Hemp is also compatible with the new soy-based binders rather than the harsh binders that give off formaldehyde. This reduces air pollution and health hazards to human and animal life. The quality of paper obtained from hemp is more durable and does not lose its color even after many years.

Much more can be got out of each hemp plant since its paper can be recycled 7 or 8 times, as compared to only 3 for tree-based paper.

Tomorrow we’ll talk about the benefits of hemp in construction.